WalkTogether is an application dedicated to the management and coordination of walking routes as part of sustainable mobility initiatives for home-school routes. The courses are defined in collaboration with local schools and the UISP association, which provides staff trained in the role of carer and will be able to define training courses for volunteer carers.The application has a single front-end that differs according to the role of the user who uses it: carer and parent.A parent, by registering on the application, will be able to register their children on walking routes defined by their school, selecting the period of participation (weekly, monthly, annual) and the stop from which they will depart. During the individual routes, the parent will receive notifications on the status of the route and on the actual participation of the children (check-in and check-out events on the route). By participating in the service, parents will be able to take advantage of bonuses for sustainable mobility provided in agreement with the Municipality of Pisa, as part of the "Mobiliando Pisa: new home-school home-work pathways" project, funded by the Ministry of the Environment.The accompanying user cannot register independently for the service but is previously selected by the school and the association who will also define the route to follow and the times. The accompanying person will use the application to record the path and the actual participation of the children.